Commission Terms of Service

Ordering a Commission

  • Commissions are to be placed by filling out the form on my website.

  • Once you’ve sent in your order, I will contact you within 48 hours using the contact information provided in the form.

  • I reserve the right to refuse any commission.


  • All orders are to be paid via a payment method of my choosing (generally PayPal) in USD.

  • For every order, $10 must be paid in advance as a deposit before I begin on the agreed upon work. I will invoice you for the remaining amount upon completion of the work.

  • The deposit is non-refundable once the work is started, and will be applied to the final calculated cost of the work.

Refunds and Cancellations

  • If you wish to cancel your order before work has started, your deposit will be refunded.

  • In the case of a cancellation while the work is in progress, you will not be refunded your deposit.

  • If it is necessary to cancel the order for reasons including but not limited to lack of proper communication, lack of full work specification, or delayed payment, I reserve the right to terminate the work and work agreement.

  • If I am personally unable to fulfill the work, I will issue a full refund. This does not apply in cases where I terminate the work agreement for the reasons specified above.


  • Turnaround time can range between two weeks to two months or beyond, depending on factors including but not limited to the complexity of the work, personal work availability, or personal physical or mental health.

  • If any unforeseen events occur which may or will cause a delay in the expected delivery timeline, you will be notified through email or Discord message and be given an update on the status of the work.

Usage Rights

  • As the author of the work, I retain all commercial rights. You may use the work in a personal, not-for-profit manner (e.g. printing your own stickers or personal apparel), but any commercial use must be approved by me in writing.

  • You may post the work online on your personal social channels, under the condition that you must "tag" or link to my social channels within the post(s).

  • You do not hold the right to use the work in any blockchain-related technology, including but not limited to NFTs, cryptocurrency, or any "web3" related product or service. This list can be expanded at any time, and will retroactively apply to any produced work. Such usage is considered commercial and is not allowed under these terms.

  • Last updated: January 20th, 2023